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Culminating Activity » #3
Culminating Activity (turn in on iLearn)
In the culminating activity we're asking you to apply what you've learned about learning styles to instructional design. You can choose to design to VARK, Multiple Intelligences, or Kolb—whichever theory resonates with you. But try to design activities that are outside of your preferred learning styles. Remember, most instructors design to their own learning styles although their students learning styles vary.
You can choose to:
Take an existing DE workshop or course, summarize the learning objectives and audience, and then design at least two different activities that speak to students with different learning styles. You can also design an assessment instead of one of the activities to speak to multiple learning styles
Or create your own DE course or workshop. Give a brief explanation of the learning objectives and audience and then give examples of at least two different activities that would speak to different learning styles. You can also design an assessment instead of one of the activities that to speaks to multiple learning styles.
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For each activity:
Write short description of that activity and its specific learning objectives.
Explain which learning style theory and specific learning style that you're designing the activity for.
For the assessment:
Describe the assessment.
Explain how it speaks to multiple learning styles.
Below are some excellent resources to discover instructional design strategies for incorporating learning styles. These sites contain examples of instruction and helpful suggestions for activities that are geared toward learners with different learning styles.
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Please BROWSE through the following resources:
Assessments and Learning Styles PDF, by Elizabeth and Angela, focuses on the importance of applying learning styles theory to assessment.
Multiple Intelligences: Website that contains an overview of Multiple Intelligences, lesson plan ideas, and technology considerations. The most useful section is called: Technology Considerations—The technology considerations section is an excellent resource for ideas on software, activities, web resources, and technology tools to address the Multiple Intelligences of students. **Note: Link broken - resource missing (March 2013)
Teaching and Learning at a Distance—The Learners: Multiple Intelligences is a short nuts and bolts list of suggestions for applying MI to online learning.
SurfAquarium Immersion—is a really fun resource of lots of different kinds of online games and activities that speak to multiple intelligences.
How Technology Enhances Howard Gardner's Eight Intelligences—This website will explain how you can plan your instruction to accommodate each learning style that you select (found at the bottom of the screen.)
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Culminating Project Rubric—These exercises aren't graded, but if they were, we'd be evaluating your work using this rubric.
Questions? Email the A-team for a quick response to questions.
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