Designing Courses With Accessibility and Usability in Mind
To offer more flexibility in courses, use videos to teach when possible. Videos offer a multimodal approach to instruction since they use visual and auditory modalites. Use captioning when you use videos. If closed captioning is used, make sure it is turned on, since closed captions appear only when the user activates them. Use pictoral, verbal, and tactile delivery methods and present information in ways that are both perceptual and linguistic. Offer tactile options to engage kinesthetic learners.
Include a text caption on screen for all images. [508]
Offer synchronous and asynchronous assignments to assist Students with motor impairments and cognitive impairments. [508]
"Technology Solutions for Teaching and Research - Maximize your effectiveness through the use of technology", University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Use pictoral, verbal and tactile delivery methods to provide more flexibility., Learning Styles (Auditory, Tactile, Visual).
Create printed and digital outlines and organizational tools to guide students. [508], The Graphic Organizer.
Post instructional materials online ahead of time for students needing more time.
LD Online, "Customizing Technology Solutions for College Students with Learning Disabilities."
Joan M. Bisagno and Rachael M. Haven (2002).
Use texts, digital photos, maps, social media apps, podcasts, blogs and wikis.